Kalymnos - General Information

Kalymnos GreeceKalymnos Greece

Kalymnos is a rocky, bare island that is famous for its natural sponges. It is quite densely populated with over 16.000 inhabitants and is full of life nearly all year round as it is not that dependant on the tourism industry. The island is situated North Westerly of Kos island and is easily accessible several times a day, in less than an hour, by ferry from Mastichari. Overall the island has maintained its colorful traditional architecture and is a wonderful destination for day trips. The island has grown very popular for avid climbers who gather there all year round to tackle its unique courses (more than 1300 at the moment). Last but not least the island has two outstanding pastry shops (Michalarias and Douros) which you should not miss out on. Galaktoboureko, ergolavoi, are some of the sweets you should definitely try out.
Kalymnos Greece
Kalymnos Greece
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